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Drinking water, more and better: a crucial issue

July 22nd 2024
Drink water, more and better to stay well hydrated!
Drinking water is crucial. It is well known that most people do not drink enough water on a daily basis. According to Statistics Canada, Quebecers drink less than the recommended amount of fluid daily and water only represents half of the drinks ingested. Quebecers’ consumption is in fact around 1.5 liters of liquid, thus roughly 846 ml of water. An adult needs three liters of water per day. Calculating that we get approximately one liter from the food we eat, we’re still missing two. It’s a lot! Soda, sugary juices, and energy drinks like Red Bull and Gatorade are often preferred over water, despite their negative health effects. This is followed by coffee (464 ml), alcohol (194 ml) and standard soft drinks (143 ml).
To encourage adequate water consumption, the KUPA Flavor Fountain is an ideal solution. It allows users to personalize their drinks by adding natural flavors and electrolytes, while avoiding sugars and artificial sweeteners. The water thus improved is not only more tempting to drink, but also healthier than any soda or energy drinks.
Reduce dependence on sugary drinks
The KUPA Station allows you to create tailor-made drinks, adapted to the tastes and needs of each individual. Unlike concentrated juices, where a single glass can contain the equivalent of 5 to 6 oranges, KUPA adds flavor to water, thus flavor fountain, and results in much less concentrated sugar in it.
This allows you to considerably reduce sugar consumption while offering a tasty alternative. Additionally, it’s an economical choices as drinks made with the KUPA Station cost a fraction compared to purchasing cans or bottles.
An ecological and economical choice
KUPA flavor fountain is environmentally friendly, because it only uses the user’s own bottle/cup/glass, thus reducing the disposable single use plastic bottles and cans in a big way! Not will you be doing something for the environment by reducing the consumption of disposable plastic bottles, reducing plastic waste and protect our planet. In addition, KUPA is registered in the directory of eco-responsible companies on the green pages, with practices that respect the environment as well as the social and economic universe of our environment, with an eco-responsible rating of 70%. By installing a flavor foutain KUPA, you reinforce your commitment to sustainable and responsible practices.
Talk about increasing employees well-being
Encouraging employees to choose healthy beverages has never been easier with a flavor fountain such as KUPA. The ability to personalize their water according to their preferences makes each hydration break a moment of pleasure. On top, varied and tasty beverages can help improve employee satisfaction and morale, while promoting a healthier lifestyle. Opting for KUPA flavor fountain is an actual virtuous circle.
The vending machine of the future
Flavor fountains will be the vending machines of the future. Instead of offering a limited range of choices per vending machine, one KUPA flavor fountain offers a multitude of healthy and customizable options. A single KUPA fountain can replace a soda vending machines, a bottled water vending machine, an energy drinks vending machine, a fizzy water vending machine and can still be use just to get fresh filtered flat water too, thus offering a varied options of drinks, all beneficial to your health.
Installing a KUPA flavor fountain in your business, hotel, restaurant or office has many perks. It will encourage sufficient and healthy water consumption, reduce dependence on sugary drinks, offers an ecological and economical solution, and stimulates employee well-being. Adopting KUPA is taking a step towards a healthier and more sustainable future for all.
In addition, thereare subsidy programs for each province (RECYC-QUÉBEC in Quebec) aimed at reducing waste at source can also help with the acquisition of water fountains, indicates the organization, which recalls that 500,000 tonnes of plastic are buried each year in Quebec.
You have questions concerning the topic of this blogue or about flavor fountains?
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